Israeli Standards At The British Parliament


Staff member
As long as our (so called) blackmailed King remains, we are forever doomed to abide by other peoples standards and ethics (God help us!)

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Remember Jews represent just 0.5% of our population but thanks to blackmail, they are way over represented in our parliament, our government, our press, our banking system and almost all other aspects of our lives.

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...not even a complete list as the above guy is not there, neither is John Bercow (or something) who tried relentlessly to stop the (real) powers that be from 'brexiting' through his or their unnatural influence over the Battenburgs!

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Oh yes and lets not forget about Lord Hecht (or something) who as leader of the Conservative party in the 2005 General Election, prevented the (real) powers that be using my powers to remove Blair and prevent the disastrous (non democratic) change over to Gordon Brown who went on to grant the SNP powers to hold an independence Referendum.

Note how he changed his name (like Gideon Osbourne) so he could hide amongst us unnoticed!

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I never even had a single clue that I was such an important player back then Re Operation Saturday in 2004 (just before that election)
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