This Is What Happens


Staff member
When you use interest rates and unaffordable tax cuts to fight inflation caused by reckless Government borrowing, instead of raising taxes to pay off the debt while keeping interest rates low!

Raising Interest rates is never a good thing as only the money men (Banks financial institutions) make money, not the Government and certainly not consumers, especially when the inflation is caused by unaffordable debt but even even if the inflation is caused by a booming economy (boom bust).

Stop blaming Israel's war migration and start blaming the blackmailed King's unelected, unqualified and totally inept Pro Israeli government!

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...and Jeremy (Dangerous name) Hunt still thinks he can pay off the National debt that he and his Tory Ilk have accrued by cutting taxes and punishing those he has thrown on the rubbish heap! Or is he just trying to dupe the Electorate before an election?

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