Power Cut


Staff member
So I mentioned that yesterday (Tuesday) my enforced visit to the JC was two days early, (normally Thursday) and that my trip there and back was uneventful, possibly due to the wet and windy weather. This morning (Wednesday) I woke to a power cut and as they have already cut my gas off, without electricity I can not cook food boil a kettle or heat my room. So I decided to go down town to rectify two out of my three issues by buying a gas camping stove. When I left the house it was like they were expecting me as I was subjected (this time) to the full amount of harassment that this increasingly third world Country can throw at me! When I got down town, it soon became clear the the whole of Stranraer was without power as all the shops were closed and I was also being harassed by schoolchildren on bikes, meaning that schools were also closed. Anyway I made it safely back empty handed before the supply was eventually switched on again at 2;PM.

This evening Neil youknowwho is making unintelligible noises on the BBC, while the blackmailed Monarch and his huge prostate goes under the knife?
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