Entrapment Or Public Humiliation


Staff member
So at the shop this morning they played the same entrapment game as last time, no point in going into details. Actually, I am not sure that it is entrapment as I doubt if they think I am so dumb that I can't work out what they are doing, it is more likely just public humiliation as it seems to be in the pro Israeli blackmailers psychs to try and humiliate their adversaries. Re IDF stripping, displaying and even filming Palestinian prisoners.

Anyway, learning from the previous time, I spotted their little game in the self serve checkout area, so I headed for the manned tills but no one in sight, clearly pre-planned to force me into self serve. However I waited until the entrapers (or is it humiliaters?) left and as there was still no checkout people, despite asking shelf stackers, I headed for the (now safe) self serve checkouts.

That was trip one, I still have my pointlessly enforced (for a political prisoner) and pre-determined appointment at the JC to go.
My trip to the JC was uneventful (for me). I even got a concession from the Civil Servant by asking if I can have my next appointment (in a fortnight) on Friday 3rd instead of Thursday 2nd. She said ok, went on her computer, then her face went white. Thursday 2nd is the date for the (fixed) local, mayoral and Blackpool by-election and if I came in on the Thursday, they would have had one last go at me. However because she'd already agreed to Friday, she couldn't go back on her word, despite what it presumably said on her screen!