A strange coincidence


Staff member
In September 2015 when I was in Ireland Lord Ashcroft (the barely British friend of right wing weirdo William Hague) broke a story about then PM David (out of his shed) Cameron putting his 'right honourable member' in a pigs mouth. I like millions of others had a bit of a chuckle about it on twitter, the next day I was almost killed with potentially fatal poison.

A week or so ago I had a laugh at Boris (Vroom Vroom)'s expense about his simplistic taste in music (Abba) and his childish attitude to 'winning' against Cummings. It later transpired that it was his wife that was the Abba fan (oops my mistake). Then we have Lord Ashcroft (Again) slagging off Boris's wife in a book. I never took the bait as where I am concerned the buck stops with the prime minister and NOT his wife. Still I appear to have been targeted again with the same potentially fatal poison.

My question is, is insulting a prime ministers wife (even if it were true) a capital offence in this fucked up Country???
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