500 to 2 Against


Staff member
So as the Tories lose up to 500 Councilors at the local elections, Nigel Farage's Reform party that gets huge (Pro Israeli) publicity, compared to eg, the Greens got 2 councilors, compare that to the Greens that got, well quite a lot.

It is yet more evidence that these elections are rigged as the real powers that be are clearly using Reform to take votes away from the Tories, without actually giving them (Reform) enough to win.

Need further evidence? Nigel Farage himself has stood for election as an MP 7 times and lost 7 times, thanks to these powers (you'd think he'd suss?). In the run up to the 2015 GE however (IMO) Cameron was threatened (using my powers) with a Farage led coalition, if he didn't agree to hold a (fixed against him) EU Referendum. Hence his personal attempt on my life, early March 2016 in the hope of annulling me and my election fixing powers.



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