The Element Of Surprise


Staff member
...well kind of...When I went to Tesco on Thursday, it was only for an emergency basket of stuff, I was always going to have to go again for a proper amount...and they knew it.

However instead of my normal, predictable 7;AM when the shop opens and there are no normal customers, when they (by hacking my phone's alarm), know when I'm coming and can temporarily put poisoned stuff on the shelves, I instead went this evening without notice. This has advantages and disadvantages, they have more people available (even at short notice) to use against me but I have 'normal' people to hide amongst as there is no time for cordons.

Tonight was no exception, they were onto me like vultures as soon as I stepped out but in the supermarket, like I said I could hide amongst the 'normal' people.

However my main intention was to get non poisoned food, thinking both that there would be no time to place it and they would be risking 'normal' people buying it.

So I got round the shop and as they had the self serve area, full of traps (like a Kindergarten) I joined the queue for the manned till. I even had a mildly interesting conversation with a 'normal' person about the price of Tea Bags.

When the woman scanned my frozen chips though, despite being OK when I put them on the conveyor, the bag was burst and leaking chips after she put it on my side of the till, before (cough) kindly asking another assistant to go and get another bag of chips.

However, I left them in the packing area as I couldn't see the point in carrying poisoned chips all the way home, I had enough to carry. I still had to pay for them though!

If a normal person, picks them up thinking it's their lucky day but gets poisoned, don't blame me, blame the evil blackmailers that have hijacked this once great Country!
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