The Chase


Staff member
These idiots (at GHCQ) who should be doing more important stuff just seem to be spending all their time trying (with limited success) to stop me watching old episode of the chase.

The question was, which Tory PM spent most time in office? A: Thatcher B: Major C:Cameron. Seeing as it seems I ousted Major before his time and I definitely ousted Cameron before his time was up, it had to be Thatcher!
I have worked out what they are doing. Truth be told I do not know, without my password (that I change and is complicated) how they are doing it. However knowing what they are doing allows me to take actions that mitigate it's effect.

I am left to assume that they swapped my computer for one of their own when I ordered from Ebay.
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I have now worked out what causes this, it is some kind of virus that I get when I visit a certain right wing Pro Israeli online publication to keep up to date on propaganda from their side of the fence (not mine). It gives them the ability to change a setting in my '/etc/resolv.conf' file, I know that's a bit technical but it means they can disrupt my network connectivity.

Luckily it is not persistent and if I reboot my computer thing are back to normal until the next time I visit their website. I refuse to be locked out so I just visit their crap before switching my computer off.