So What's Going On?


Staff member
For a fortnight now or since my last enforced visit to the job center, there have been Eco Protestors or as the right wing press call them Eco Zealots blocking the streets of London and from what I can gather, the Police have been doing nothing about them? On the contrary, they have been handing out cups of tea to the protestors. Meanwhile financial chaos that's only tempered by interventions by the BoE. Today on the eve of my next enforced visit to the job center and also the day that the Bank bailouts are said to end, the protestors are finally being removed and the financial markets are bouncing back. Meanwhile, still no news about the Supreme court ruling regarding the Scottish Separatists or the N.Ireland Protocol bill. Meanwhile again, I am waiting to see if Neil Newness will be obscuring what little news there is (or not).
So I am guessing that it's King Charles the blackmailed's police chief who has been allowing chaos to be caused in London by not dealing with the Eco protestors so he could (on behalf of his blackmailers) at yesterdays meeting with the PM force her to sack her chancellor and replace him with someone more compliant with King Charles's blackmailers so they can re-establish control over the purse strings and you can guarantee that by the time the police started clearing the protestors off the street yesterday, Truss(T?) had already agreed to replace her chancellor. It is an absolute scandal really. The only good news is that these despicable blackmailers won't see very much when they peer inside the purse!