Not In Her Name


Staff member
Any decision on commemorations for the old Battenburg Matriarch should be put on hold until all this blackmail stuff is out in the open, it IS inevitable that it will as the last of the Battenburgs won't be on the throne for ever (or even very long if I get my way).

As far as I am concerned little old Battenburg conspired with Blair and the French to murder Princess Diana once she found out William and Harry were not Battenburgs. She (and Major) also tried to sidestep Charles in favour of Andrew in an attempt to keep the Crown for the Battenburgs, forcing the real powers that be to take drastic action with BSE (for the polls) and my powers (for the reality) to oust Major. Leading directly to the rise of Blair! Arrrgggghhhhh. Not to mention the 50 years plus of persecuting me on behalf of her blackmailed relatives!

Screenshot from 2023-07-22 11-21-04.png
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