Is there an echo?


Staff member
Yesterday, I said that Raheed Sanook is a 'lightweight', politically as well as in Stature (just facts). Today my new (apparent) unprovoked enemy Angela Rayner after investing in yet another red outfit for her and her colleague behind her stood up and called Sanook a 'pint sized loser' (which one of these two have made it to PM? or is married to a billionaire) You see I never called him a loser because that just ain't true!

I don't know why she's attacking me, I just know she is. I ain't her enemy, in fact, I would say we have a common enemy. Who is smearing her? Not me! Even if she could take me down (which I doubt), unless she takes several steps to the right and pledges total allegiance To Bliar and Mandelson (or something), she will never be allowed to be the leader of the Labour Party.
Corbyn never moved to the right but he had to pledge complete loyalty to Bliar and Mandelson (or something) to be allowed to become leader. that included trying to take me out by showing up on his bike (with a protection officer) in Perth, where I was back then.

Of course they (Bliar & Mandy) had an ulterior motive for letting Corbyn become leader in that they knew my powers could not be used to make him PM (instead of May) because of his extreme left wing views, including a pledge to scrap nuclear deterrent.