I Know How she Feels


Staff member
I am also struggling with my £3,600 a year salary for bringing a corrupt and blackmailed Monarchy to its knees, as well as their corrupt stooge ministers, bringing down rich, powerful, ruthless and extremely dangerous blackmailers and in doing so changing the course of history.

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Not sure what her game is but I just ain't playing games right now as there are about a million billion accused but not convicted (Epstein) Libel trap games being played just now. I do know that she is a.....actually, I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a Strarmerite as if you're loyal to Starmer, then you are (by definition) loyal to Blair, which makes her a Blairite really!

Maybe she could try high heels?
Ok then, I will play along a bit! If she can't manage her own financial affairs, maybe not the best person to manage the Nation's Finances, especially with the as yet not fully understood mess that the unelected Tories are going to leave behind. If I can get by on £3,600 a year, how can she not manage on £86,000? You have to be able to live within your means.