

Staff member
My enforced trip to the Job Center this morning could only be described as febrile. From people in the close cleaning windows to sirens and the normal state cyclist and joggers to an extremely tall but innapropriately dressed woman 'appearing' in front of me but on the opposite side of the street. My normal solution to this is to do a 'jog' so that I can pass her but this woman could walk faster than me and kept reappearing, forcing me to start jogging again and again but you know I was always going to win that race, it just meant I arrived at the JC early and a bit out of breath. Inside the 'agent of the State' forced me to accept my commitments yet again (a wind up exersize) and made a new appointment for a week on Monday, only 10 days. My protests landed on deaf ears so I will need to suffer a similar humiliation again then.

Not long after getting home I hear that Quasi Quartang is sacked and replaced by Jeremy (Rhyming slang) Hunt