Enemies Of Freedom


Staff member
We are being brutally oppressed and ruled over by Israel's ruthless blackmailing elite, King Charles and an ex Democrat President (you work it out) are being blackmailed and we are ALL paying the price! We are NOT free, far from it and everyone (except me) is towing the Pro Israeli line for fear of being called silly names. Wake up people, we need to take back control of our OWN destiny! This is ALL happening because the (blackmailed) Battenburg friendly Tories are in danger of losing power and Israel knows it.

It has nothing to do with anti-semitism or hatred of Jews but has everything to do with not wanting to be dominated or ruled over by ruthless foreign blackmailers of any race religion or creed!

Those Countries are all Israel's enemies, not ours.

Israel needs to learn that the way to make friends is to be friendly and the way to get help is to ask, but try and force people or Countries into doing stuff against their will via blackmail HAS to end in tears!

Screenshot from 2023-10-20 00-33-24.png
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