Business As Usual


Staff member
So, I have (good) reason to believe that Charles's Tory (non elected) stooge has fitted me up again. There was even another (coincidental) atrocity yesterday (Nottingham). Re Genfell & London Bridge & Manchester (May's fixed against her election 2017) and Cox (EU Referendum 2016). Looks like my Liberty is less important than the blackmailed king's (so called) reputation.

Still I have three by-elections coming up where (I presume) the real powers that be will use my powers to hit these unelected criminals hard as Sanook (unlike May) does not have (unsuitable as PM) Corbyn as a buffer.
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Am I also correct in remembering that there was an airplane atrocity over Ukraine (of all places) just before the (fixed against the SNP) Referendum in 2014?

How many coincidences can right minded people tolerate????
I am not saying that this unelected criminal so called government are orchestrating these atrocities but I do fear that they are turning a blind eye to the intelligence and just letting them happen as it takes the media attention away from all the bad news about Covid, partygate, Boris Johnson (even Trump) and the fact that government bond yields are now higher than the levels that they were at when (Miss) Tuss(T) was forced to resign. Without getting too technical about these bonds it basically mean that overseas investors now see this Country as a basket case Country (and who can blame them?)