As Bad As October 7th


Staff member
More than 100 innocent civilians murdered and hundreds more injured in Iran. The cowardly perpetrators have not yet owned up to this crime, but it comes one day after a Hamas commander was assassinated in Lebanon. Israel is out of control! We are all going to pay for Israel's crimes of impunity, thanks to the shame of Western Countries, especially the US & UK.


It is clear to me that Israel is trying to provoke Iran into retaliating so they have an excuse to bomb their Nuclear facilities (while Israel keep theirs)!

This is an atrocity akin to what happened on October the 7th and the perpetrators MUST face Justice or the reasons for Israel's genocidal war in Gaza will become null and void! Unless of course you subscribe to the twisted idea that Iranian civilian lives are of less value than Israeli ones!

Iran has even more right to defend themselves against such attacks as they are not the occupiers of the perpetrators! Israel are and have always been occupying and oppressing the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank!
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