A Tip Off Or A Coincidence?


Staff member
Yesterday I got poisoned by sore stomach poison, that I assumed was from my (pre-poisoned) food as usual. However, there were two anomalies, first, normally the sore stomach is high up in the actual stomach and the pain is unbearable until you take Ibuprofen, this was much further down in the gut and not as painful, like a cramp or severe discomfort. I also had a fever but no nausea. This was eventually followed by that difficult to spell word starting with 'd' then a slow return to normal. The other anomaly was that I had the exact same food as the previous day (without incident). I had a four fillet fish pack so fish & chips both days and same breakfast etc.

Then I read this article about poisoned water in SW England (I'm in SW Scotland), the symptoms were the same (apart from no nausea). Normally I only drink coffee which uses boiling water but Yesterday, it was a rare occasion when I had a bath. Not that I don't like having a bath, I do but they cut my gas off and no shower so to have a bath, I have to boil two kettles and heat water in pots on the cooker, it's a lot of palava and potentially dangerous, f*cking around with boiling water. Anyway after a bath, you are hot and dehydrated and to combat this I had one glass of water straight from the tap, followed by a coffee!

I feel sorry for those folks stricken if the story is for real but whether a tip off or not, it has caused me to make sure all my water is pre boiled from now. Although still recovering, there are no cramps today drinking pre boiled water (coffee).

Could this be the work of unelected dictator Swine(ee)?

I need more protection than this, the SNP (and the blackmailed battenburgs) should be busted for the unelected criminals and blackmailed criminals respectively that they are, I am sick (quite literally) of being the sacrificial lamb!
I should be moved elsewhere in the UK as Swine(ee) is obviously extremely dangerous being under direct control of my so called father.