25th October


Staff member
Theresa (I'll do it) May and Rasheed Sanook both assumed premiership only on the votes of Tory MP's loyal to the blackmailed Battenburgs and without GE or an internal vote by Tory party members, even BoJo won one of those. Anyway May was forced to call a (fixed against her) GE within a year of Cameron leaving office. (Miss) Truss(t) was elected by Tory members potentially meaning that Sanook has only until the anniversary of her (Truss) leaving office to hold a GE or (am I only dreaming?) he won't be able to renew the unlawful powers being used against me. That anniversary of when Truss left office is on the 25th October, I am holding my breath.

Despite some of my food from the petrol station yesterday being poisoned, I still ate it and got the nutrition as well as the toxin, so now I DO have what it takes to survive until Thursday!
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