SNP Selfish Nationalist Party


Staff member
Well little Miss Dictator, you know you can stop the carnage in Palestine right now by sharing your blackmail information with the British people. Or is your conscience quite comfortable with all that innocent blood on your hands. Shame on you Herr Sturgeon! far as I am concerned you are no different from Hitler, Mousilinni, Pinnochi or any other dictator that seized power by means other than democracy!

It means like those people, you can do as you wish with no recourse to the electorate (or the law) because the blackmailed Royals will see to it that you are always returned to power!

What is happening to me could only happen in a lawless dictatorship, it could not happen in a democracy where the press are free to say what's really happening.

Salmond's 'sham' court case is all the proof that I need of that.
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