Short lived celebration


Staff member
So the extremists in Israel are celebrating the murder of another resistance leader, in the misplaced belief that they can somehow fight fire with fire and that will quell the resistance. No another younger and more ruthless leader will take over. You can kill leaders but you can't kill an ideology with military force, only by changing the idea itself. Hamas are resisting an illegal and brutal, oppressive occupation and it should come as no surprise that they will resist the occupation always. The only way to defeat Hamas is to end the occupation, give Palestinians, their own State, their dignity, self determination and most of all, stop treating them like caged animals and sounding surprised when they react like any caged animal would!

No one is better qualified to speak than me as I am also a caged animal under unofficial solitary confinement house arrest, isolated from friends and family at the hands of the same (blackmailing) people with the same bully boy mentality