Getting into character for a visit to a homeless charity, Prince William may never make it to Buck palace but he will never be as badly off as he is making out. Thanks to his blackmailed family, I was homeless for 3 years and not only did I get no support from homeless charities, quite the opposite as they were being used against me, I had (still have) all the weight of a corrupt and blackmailed State waged against me plus himself and his father humiliating me by showing up with their protection officers, hoping I would get too close. All the while, I was never as 'rough' as this. I don't know why you are being shunned in favour of your brother William, perhaps it's because your a Battenburg and he is not. Either way it's not my idea or my fault. Clearly it's for the greater good so just get used to it! it's too late now anyhow as the (interfaith) damage has been done and can't be undone!
Harry suits hisw well manicured beard, you just look like you've been on a week long bender!
Harry suits hisw well manicured beard, you just look like you've been on a week long bender!
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